Q: What’s the difference between a Retail Customer vs. a Member?
- Retail Customer- Someone who purchases the product at the MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price).
- Member- Someone who has enrolled in the business and is eligible for commissions. The term distributor or associate can also be used to describe a Neumi member
Q: What’s the difference between the Enrollment Tree and the Unilevel (Sponsor) Tree?
- Enrollment Tree: The enrollment tree is your genealogy tree of enrollments. This tree cannot
be customized, but rather follow a chronological order of your enrollments. - Placement Tree: This tree can help you max out your monthly bonuses ( power of 3, unilevel, etc.). All monthly payouts follow the placement tree.
*Only members are included in the placement tree
Q: How long is the enrollment period?
The enrollment period is 30 days upon the creation of the account.
*If the first order and the day of enrollment are different days, the 30 day enrollment period goes from the enrollment date up to 30 days, not from the order date.
Q: How many days do I have to move someone after enrolling in my placement tree?
After enrolling someone in your organization, you have 30 days to place them anywhere in your placement tree. However, if you put the new customer under the incorrect spot in your placement tree, you would have three (3) business days to request the correct movement from our Compliance team.
*You may contact our compliance team via email at compliance@neumi.com
Q: How does the power of 3 work?
Power of 3 $50 Recurring Bonus:
- Enroll three members with a purchase volume (PV) of 100 or more.
Power of 3 $250 Recurring Bonus:
- Three direct members under you must place their order of at least 100 PV, then each of those members must have three members under them in their first line place an order of at least 100 PV.
- Each of your three members must receive their $50 recurring bonus.
- Rank requirement: Senior Member
Power of 3 $1,500 Recurring Bonus:
- Three direct members under you must place their order of at least 100 PV, then each of those members must have three members under them in their first line place an order of at least 100 PV, then those three need to get three members each to place an order of at least 100 PV.
- All three of your members must receive their $250 recurring bonus.
- Rank requirement: 2 Star
* please note that everyone has to have passed their 30 day enrollment period to qualify for the power of 3.
Q: How do I qualify for the power of 3?
You can begin qualifying for the Power of Three Bonus 30 days after your enrollment as a member, and you need to be commission-qualified with an order of at least 100PV. This rule also applies to your downlines.
Q: What’s the rank requirement to get the following bonus?
- $50 bonus: Member
- $250 bonus: Senior Member
- $1,500 bonus: 2 Stars
Q: If I make it to the $1,500 bonus, will I also be getting the $250 and $50 bonus?
No, you only get the bonus of the level you achieved.
Example: If you get to the $250 bonus, you will only get that bonus, not the $50 bonus as well.
Q: If I enroll someone new to the company but I’m inactive, will the 25% commission go to my upline?
Yes, your upline gets the commission due to dynamic compression.
Q: Will my customers' orders (PV) help me achieve my rank?
Q: How does the 50% rule work?
The 50% rule means that no more than 50% of the volume requirement for each rank can’t come from one leg. For example: if you need 5,000 QV to reach 1 star, you can only have 2500 come from your strongest leg. If your strongest leg had 2,600 volume, you would still only have 2,500 to attribute to 1 star from that particular leg. However, you would still receive payment for the full 2,600 volume.
Q: What’s the Infinity Bonus, and what percentage do our Higher ranks receive?
Our Higher ranks can also qualify for the Infinity Bonus for levels eight and beyond, and depending on the rank. However, this Infinity bonus has a dollar cap.
- Diamond: 0.5% - $2,500 CAP
- Double-Diamond: 1% - $5,000 CAP
- Triple- Diamond: 1.5% - $10,000 CAP
- Crown: 2% - $15,000 CAP
Q: How long will my order keep me active for?
- Monthly commission: Orders of 100 PV or more will keep you active for the entire month for the monthly commission.
Example: If you place an order on January 22nd, it will keep you active for the monthly commission for the remainder of the month. This means that this order keeps you active from the first to last day of the month.
- Weekly commission: Orders of 100 PV or more will keep you active from the date of the order, up until 30 days after the order is placed for the weekly commission.
Example: If you If you place an order on January 22nd, it will keep you active from January 22nd up until 30 days after that date.
Q: What is fast start volume?
The fast start volume is used for rank advancement purposes. When you enroll, all purchases made within your organization will go towards your FSV. Fast Start Volume takes into account all the purchases from the month you enroll + the next full month.
Q: If I sign up towards the end of the month, when does my fast start period begin and end?
Your fast start period begins in the month that you enroll and ends at the end of the following month.
Example: If you sign up on January 27th, your fast start period is the of January 1-31 and February 1-28/29.
Q: What does "capped rank volume" mean?
The capped rank volume is your volume after applying the 50% rule.
Q: Why does the amount in my projected monthly commissions change?
The monthly commission changes throughout the course of the month due to new orders being placed and orders getting canceled and refunded. The monthly commission is solidified and paid on the 5th day of the following month.