How can I change my autoship date?

  1. Login to your back office at
  2. Once you’re logged in, press the three lines in the top left corner and select “orders”
  3. Once you press “orders” it will bring up more options, please select “manage auto orders”
  4. This will take you to the autoship page, to change the autoship date, select the pencil on the far right 
  5. Once the pencil is selected, it will show you all of your autoship details. To change the date, select “edit” in the section that says auto order settings.
  6. This will allow you to see and edit the date and frequency. Under “next processing date” you will see your current autoship date. To change the date press on the current date and it will bring up the calendar and there you will select the desired date.
  7. Once the date is selected, press “save” and then “proceed to payment”
  8. You have now successfully changed your autoship date

*If you have any questions in regards to whether the date was changed correctly, please contact our customer service via phone or email.

*Please note that by pressing “proceed to payment” that will not process an order that moment, you just need to select that to confirm and save the changes.