How can I create a customer account without purchasing a product?

Once you log in to your Backoffice, please follow the instructions:

  1. Go to your Marketing Sites>> Marketing Site Link*
  2. Click on your Marketing site link to be redirected to Neumi’s website.
  3. Once you’re in, please click where it says “Shop as a Customer,” and you will be taken to the shop. To continue the process, you must choose at least one product to add to the cart (do not click on “Add to Auto Order.”)

  4. Once the product is on your cart, click “Proceed to Checkout.” It will take you to one of the final steps.

  5. “Create Account or Log In to Continue” is one of the final steps. In here, you will need to fill out the information of the new customer. Once you finish it, please click “Continue to Checkout.”
  6. “Shipping Details” is the final step. On this step you or the customer need to finish filling out the shipping information (click “save” when you finish). After you finish with this, please go to “Proceed to Payment**” (it will bring up a section where you need to put the card information, pelase close the tab and do not enter any information). This process will save the information and create the account. 

*If you do not want to create an account, you are more than welcome to share your replicated site with someone who’s interested in the product. They will need to follow the steps mentioned above. 


**The order won’t be processed because a payment method has not been entered. However, clicking on “Proceed to Payment” will save the information and create the member account.