How do I edit my address on my auto-ship as a member?

To edit your shipping address for your auto-ship, please follow these steps:


  1. Login to your back office on our website
  2. Once you are on the home page, please select the square in the top left corner, then select "orders", then "manage auto orders"
  3. This will show you your auto-ships you have, to edit the autoship, please select the pencil on the far right. 
  4. This will take you to your autoships information, to edit the address, select "edit" under shipping details. then select "add new address" 
  5. Once you have added the new address, make sure all of the information is correct, then press "save". 
  6. Lastly, to confirm the change, select "proceed to payment". Please note that by pressing "proceed to payment" that will just save the changes to the autoship, it won't process an order. 

*If you have any questions as to whether the changes saved, you can logout and then log back in and view your autoship, or you can contact customer service.