Everything you need to know about Neumi Mexico
What is the address for the warehouse?
- Calle Pte. 128 679, Industrial Vallejo, Azcapotzalco, 02300 Ciudad de México, CDMX, México
- Business hours: Monday to Friday from 10 am to 6:30 pm.
Does Mexico have a Call Center?
Yes, we do! Below is the information:
- Phone: +52 612 180 6002
- Operating Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (local time)
What products are available in Mexico?
- We offer four premium products:
- Neumi Skin
- Nutriswish
- Neuro
- Hers
What packs are available to purchase?
-We have multiple packs to choose from. Please visit our website www.neumi.com, and go to “Bundles” or “Quarterly Packs” to see all the different packs available in Mexico.
Is shipping included in the price?
- Yes, shipping is included for all orders in the final total, so you won't have to worry about additional shipping costs.
Are there any taxes or additional charges?
- A 16% sales tax will be added to your total order amount at checkout, as mandated by Mexican tax regulations.
What payment methods are accepted?
- We accept:
- Credit Card
- Bank Deposit
What is the conversion rate if I pay by bank deposit?
- Please double-check the conversion rate with the bank. The rate can vary depending on the bank and day.
*Please note that customer service cannot confirm the total amount in Mexican pesos due to the fact that they can only see the total in USD. Please confirm the amount with your bank.
How do I make a bank deposit payment?
- Please make the deposit to the following bank account:
- Name of the Institution: NEUMISWISH MEX S DE RL DE CV
- Name of the Bank: Santander
- Account Number: 65-50963010-3
- CLABE: 014180655096301032
- Address: Paseo de la Reforma 389, Piso 10, Cuauhtémoc, 06500, México
What should I do after making the deposit?
- Please send the bank slip or proof of payment to depositosbancarios@neumi.com. Ensure to include your full name, ID#, the products you wish to purchase, and the address to which we will send them.
*Once the email is sent, the order will be processed the following business day.
Can I cancel or modify my order after it's been placed?
- Once your order is placed, it cannot be canceled or modified. Please review your order carefully before sending the email.
What is the estimated shipping time frame?
- Shipping typically takes 3 to 7 business days, depending on the shipping address location.