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Terms and Conditions for Exceptions in Neumi

Understanding Neumi's Direct Sales Program Exceptions

1. Introduction

Welcome to Neumi! These terms and conditions outline the exceptions and special provisions that apply to our direct sales  program. By becoming a distributor or participating in our direct sales  program, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions.

2. Definitions

  • Company: Refers to Neumi LLC, the entity organizing the direct sales program.
  • Distributor: Refers to individuals or entities who have joined Neumi to promote and sell its products/services and recruit new distributors.
  • Exceptions: Refers to specific cases or circumstances where deviations from standard direct sales   program rules and policies may apply, 
  • as outlined in this document.
3. Exceptions to Compensation Plan

Neumi may, in its sole discretion, make exceptions to its compensation plan under the following circumstances:

3.1 Backdated orders: all final orders are taken until midnight mountain standard timeIn the event of an order that was not placed on time for the closure of the Week/Month period , distributors may request adjustments to their obligations and requirements under the compensation plan. Such requests should be submitted in writing (email) with attention to a supervisor/manager or by calling to our customer service team under these conditions.

  • There has to be an attempt of placing an order previously to the closure of the week or month. In case that the order has been declined or placed on hold due to our fraud prevention we will be able to backdate orders  to the period requested by the customer.
  • This request has to be made by the order holder or account holder only, if the sponsor is the one contacting the company we will need authorization from the account holder by phone or email. And the information must match our records on the account
  • Back Dates for the weekly bonuses need to be reported up to Tuesday 5pm Mountain Standard time  of the following week (including orders made on the weekend). If the request surpasses this period of time it has to be sent by email subject to approval from a supervisor or manager
  • Back Dates for the end of the month have to be reported until the 3rd 5 pm Mountain standard timeof the following month prior to the payment of the commissions.If the request surpasses this period of time it has to be sent by email subject to approval from a supervisor or manager

3.2 Request of information: In the case of Requesting information such as username and password for members account.Neumi will not  provide exceptions to these requests unless it comes from the account holder or if we have written authorization from the account holder by email. It must match the one that is registered with the company. In case they call customer service the account holder needs to provide Customer ID or address registered on the account. No exceptions will be made

3.3 Modification of orders: In the event that an order has been made by mistake or a package was purchased incorrectly, Neumi may make exceptions to modify orders under these conditions.

  • Any request of change on volume or shipping address needs to be approved  by the account holder. In case a sponsor is authorized to do this change. We will need previous authorization from the account holder to make these changes. This  can be sent out by email, what’s app or by calling customer service. 
  • In case a complaint is made due to a change of an order from the account holder, the sponsor will be not able to do any type of modification even with previous approval of the account holder. No more exceptions will be made 
  • In case an order needs to be moved to a different account, we will need to have the authorization from the account holder where the order is at, or in case he/she  cannot communicate with us, an approval needs to be sent out via email to support@neumi.com.

3.4 Modification on accounts: In the event that an account needs to be modified, the account holder needs to authorize these changes on the phone or by email. In the case a sponsor requests these changes we will need written authorization by email from the account holder. In case it’s done by phone  the account holder needs to be on the phone approving these changes. No exceptions will be made on this matter.

3.5 Use of commissions/cancellations and refunds: In the event of an order has to be canceled, paid with commissions from other members wallet, Neumi may make exceptions under these conditions:

  • If an order has to be paid with commissions from the account holder, they will need to authorize the use of this,  if the sponsor is the person requesting this, we will need the commission's holder, to approve the use of such by phone or sending an email to support@neumi.com with the name and ID number of the person he/she authorizes to use this commissions. They can also request it via WhatsApp with the same information, and the phone number the message comes from must match the one on the account.
  • In case we cannot communicate with the owner of the commissions or receive information that does not match the records on our system Neumi will not make any exceptions and no commissions will be used to pay for any order.
  • Cancellations can be only made by the account holder only, Neumi will not consider any other request from other members requesting to cancel orders.
  • In the case an order needs to be canceled and was paid by a third party different from the account holder, we will need to double check the payment information (last 4 digits of C.C, exp date, order date or order number). In this information match we will do the exception to cancel the order without the account holder's approval, it is on the sponsors responsibilities to inform the account holder a new order needs to be placed in order to remain active to receive commissions.
4. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes or concerns regarding exceptions to the Neumi program will be resolved through the standard procedures. They must submit their requests to support@neumi.com with attention to a supervisor or manager, approval will be made as soon as possible and in the order they were received. 

5. Third party authorization and revocation forms 

Members will have access to a form authorizing a third  party to do transactions on their accounts on their behalf this form will be available in the back office and it must be filled out completely with the information of both the account holder and the third party ,authorizing to perform any changes or transactions on the account in question, in case a member wants to terminate such authorization there will be also a form available revoking such privileges that needs to be filled out by the account holder. Both forms need to be sent to support@neumi.com to keep  on our records 

6. Modification of Exceptions

Neumi LLC reserves the right to modify, amend, or revoke exceptions at any time and without prior notice. Any changes to exceptions will be communicated to distributors through official channels, such as the company's website or distributor communications.

7. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these terms and conditions for exceptions, please contact support@neumi.com or our customer service team at 385-429-6122