What is the difference between the Neumi wallet, i-Payout, and PayQuicker

Neumi Wallet (Paymenture) - The Neumi wallet is currently one of the methods of payment we have available for commissions, and it used to be the default payment method for commissions. However, we are migrating to a new method of payment for commissions, PayQuicker. You may find the Neumi wallet on the home page of your Neumi back office. With the Neumi wallet, you may add your bank information to transfer your commissions to your bank account. There is no option to have a physical card with Paymenture. There is an option to transfer funds to other members under the tab where it says "P2P". Paymenture does have a crypto option; it can be found under the "crypto" tab in the Neumi wallet. Paymenture will no longer be available to receive commissions as of April 1st, 2025 and in the week of April 28th, 2025 all access to Paymenture will be shut down.  If you have any questions about the Neumi Wallet, click here

I-Payout - i-Payout is another option that Neumi offers to payout commissions. To access your i-Payout account, you may login to your back office and press on the square in the top left corner with 3 lines and then select where it says "i-Payout login".  With i-Payout, you can request a physical card for $14, and you will need to transfer the funds to your card when your commissions are paid. You may also add your bank account information to transfer your commissions directly to your bank account. With i-Payout, there is no option to transfer funds to someone else (P2P). If you would like to transfer funds from your i-Payout to another member, it would have to be done through customer service, and it will be a manual transfer, which can take a bit of time. I-Payout does offer a crypto option where you can buy Bitcoin. If you have any questions about I-Payout, click here

PayQuicker—PayQuicker is our newest method of payment for commissions, and now, for new members, this will be their default method of payment for commissions. PayQuicker does have an option to receive a physical card and a digital card. The digital card details show instantly. PayQuicker also has the option to set up your bank information and transfer the funds directly to your bank account. With PayQuicker, you may also transfer funds to other members. Lastly, PayQuicker does not offer a crypto option. If you have any questions about PayQuicker, click here

Below is a graph with more information on their services and contact information. 

different payment methods

*Note: If you are changing from one payment method to another, please contact customer service so we can set it as your primary method of payment so that in the future all of your commissions get paid to that account. Also, if you would like to transfer your funds to your new account, please contact customer service so that the funds can be transferred.