Q1: What do I do if I can't login?
If you cannot login, please select "forgot password?" and you will be prompted to provide your email, then a link to reset your password will be sent to your email.
*If you don't get the password reset link or if it doesn't work, feel free to reach out to customer service and they will happily help you reset your password.
Q2: How much do I have left to achieve X rank?
You may see how many requirements are left until you achieve your next rank under “rank information” on the home page of the back office. You may press on “view rank requirements” to see what is left to do to achieve the next rank.
Q3: How do I know what my website is?
Your website is the same as the web alias you selected upon your enrollment and formatted as neumi.com/webalias. You may find your website on the home page of your back office under “Your marketing sites”. You also will be able to see your QR code which you can download as well.
Q4: Where can I find my PayQuicker/Neumi Wallet?
You may find your PayQuicker/Neumi Wallet on the home page of your back office towards the bottom of the page. You will find a widget that is titled “Neumi wallet” and to access it, select “go to details”. For PayQuicker you will find a widget similar to the one for the Neumi wallet but it will be titled “PayQuicker” and to access it, you will need to press the button saying “go to PayQuicker”.
Q5: Where can I find my ID number?
You may locate your ID number on the home page of your back office under “Associate Profile”
Q6: Where can I find my customers?
To find your customers, please select the square in the top left corner, then select “business”, then “team dashboard”. Once you are on the Team Dashboard, please select “my enrollments”, then “my customers”. This will show you all of your customers and you will be able to see their profile.
Q7: Where can I find the placement suite?
The placement suite can be found by clicking on the square in the top left corner, then select “business”, and lastly select “Placement suite”
*Please keep in mind that members will only show up in the placement suite if they have been enrolled for less than 30 days
Q8: Is there any option to see who in my downline has an auto-ship?
Yes, you may see who in your downline has an auto-ship by selecting the square in the top left corner, then select “business”, then “report center”. This will take you to the report center where you can see a lot of information from your downline such as, who has an auto-ship. To see who has an auto-ship, select “downline’s auto-orders”. This will show you the name and ID of the person that has an auto-ship, it will also show you the volume, total, last and next run date, etc.
Q9: Where can I see my downlines orders?
You may see who in your downline has placed an order by selecting the square in the top left corner, then select “business”, then “report center”, lastly, select “downline’s orders”. This will allow you to see the name and ID number of the person that placed the order. You will also see more information such as the order date, volume, order number, etc.
Q10: Where can I access my i-Payout?
You may access your i-Payout by selecting the square in the top left corner, then select “i-Payout login” and then login to your account.
Q11: Where can I find Neumi voyager?
You may access Neumi Voyager by selecting the square in the top left corner, then select “Neumi Voyager”. This will take you to the Neumi voyager page where you can book flights, hotels, rent cars, etc.
Q12: Where can I see my projected and paid commissions history?
You can see your projected and paid commissions history in the back office by pressing the square in the top left corner, then select “business”, then “commissions”. That will take you to your commissions history. If there is a specific weekly or monthly commission that you are looking for, you may press the bar at the top showing the date, or the arrows pointing left and right to select a specific commission period.
Q13: Why is my order not processing when I press "Proceed to payment/submit order"?
Please make sure that all of the information such as products, address, email, and phone number are correct.
We require you to add your phone number to submit the order, please make sure you have provided your phone number before submitting the order.
Q14: What is the bubble icon on the bottom right corner of the screen on my back office?
The bubble icon on the bottom right corner of the screen is our WebChat feature that is now available on the back office! If you have any questions about the WebChat feature, click here.
Q15: What is the widget that says "training progress"?
Neumi's backoffice offer a variety of training videos which are available to members. You may see your progress on the home page of the back office. If you would like to start following the trainings, you may locate the trainings by pressing the square in the top left corner and then select "tools" then "trainings". This will take you to the trainings page with different modules. to start your training, select "get started".
Q16: Why does the amount in my current and projected commissions on the home page change?
On the home page of the backoffice there us a widget titled "Current and projected commissions" and you can see your projected monthly commission. The number changes constantly due to members placing new orders and orders getting canceled and refunded. The monthly commissions aren't solidified until the 5th day of the following month.
Q17: Can I change my address on file through the back office?
Yes, you can change your address on file via the back office, just follow these steps:
- Login to your back office.
- Press on the down arrow next to your name on the top right corner, then press "settings".
- This will take you ro your account settings, please scroll down until you find the section titled "Contact Information". Once you are at the contact information, please select the button titled "edit" on the far right of the address section.
- This will open the section where you can edit your address. Please fill in all the necessary sections such as street address, apt/unit number (if applies), city, state, zip code, country. Once all of your information is added, press "save". This will update the address on file
*Please note that changing the address on file does not change the address on your auto-ship. If you would like to change the address on the autoship, please click here.
Q18: Can I contact other members in my downline through the back office?
Yes, you may contact members in your downline though the back office by following these steps:
- Login to your back office
- Press the conversation bubble on the top right of the screen
- This will make a widget pop up where you will be able to see your unread and recent messages. To create a new message, press the notepad with the pencil on the top left side of the widget.
- Once you have pressed on the notepad, it will open a separate widget on the lower left said of the screen where you will be prompted to provide the ID number, name, or email of the member you would like to send a message to.
- Once you have selected the member which you would like to chat with, you may start typing up your message and then send it.
*Please note that members will see your message when they login and depending on their settings, they might get them via text/email.